Dropbox Business

Dropbox Business is a secure cloud-based file sharing and synchronisation tool. It makes it easy to share files securely with people external to the University and to drop off files internally. If you do use the service you will still need to encrypt sensitive information as per the information handling guidelines. It is not intended for long term file storage or back up.

The service stores your information securely as long as you follow the information handling guidelines. Access to files is controlled explicitly by each user (only the Dropbox Admins can access your account) and a cloud access security broker monitors and reports on unusual behaviour to add extra governance.

This service is open to all staff and is offered to postgraduate research students on a case-by-case basis.

Staff can sign up to the service by completing a service request form:

Staff who are migrating from existing Dropbox accounts can find helpful information in our Dropbox Business Scenarios Pack:

Information handling guidelines

All users of this service must abide by the information handling guidelines that are part of the access request process. Most importantly, sensitive information must be encrypted. Refer to the Information Handling Guidelines for the Dropbox Business Service which includes encryption instructions:

If you are unsure you are handling your information correctly, please see the Information Handling Tool:

For advice on classifying your information, refer to the Standard Operating Procedure for Information Security Classification and Secure Information Handling:

Benefits of the service

  • It’s free, fast and available to any staff who need to collaborate externally
  • One terabyte of space as standard per account and then as much space as you need
  • Access to all your files from web, desktop and mobile devices
  • It’s Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android compatible
  • Easy file sharing with anyone, even those who don’t use Dropbox
  • Unlimited version history and deleted file recovery
  • Live 24 / 7 support from Dropbox


In the first instance, please take advantage of Dropbox Business Support where you can locate help articles and request support online:

If you unable to resolve your issue with Dropbox then please search our own IT Services Knowledge Base or log a ticket with The IT Support Centre:

Internal File Dropoff and Pickup

Dropbox Business can be used to drop off and pick up files. You may find the following support articles helpful:

If you have a research share, you can share this with external research collaborators using the External Access to Research Data service.

Further information