Microsoft Windows 11

Windows 11 is the latest version of the Windows Operating System from Microsoft.

Microsoft will stop supporting Windows 10 after 14 October 2025. After this date, no software updates, including critical security fixes, will be provided.

Therefore, during 2025, those University laptops and desktop PCs which are still using Windows 10, will be upgraded to Windows 11.

We have already started this process internally within IT Services and will roll out the process to the wider University community in the coming months.

In addition to more up-to-date functionality, University Windows 11 PCs will default to saving to Microsoft OneDrive, rather than your University P:drive as with previous versions of Windows.

Once the University-wide upgrade process has been started, there will be regular communications via StaffNet, eUpdate and various local channels to inform colleagues and postgraduate researchers about what they need to do if they still have a Windows 10 PC, however this page will be kept up to date with the latest information.

Student PCs in PC clusters will be upgraded during the summer break.

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Last updated: Monday 24 February 2025