Reading list service

The University’s course reading list system is called Link2Lists. The system also offers students the facility to comment on resources used (either for themselves or for their colleagues) and schedule reminders for students to access resources prior to a lecture or seminar. Course reading lists also link to important books, journal articles and other resources which a tutor has highlighted for study.

Tutors tag resources from the library catalogue and other external online courses and drag them into the resource list using the software interface when they are to be associated with a course. For more information for tutors see the Academic Support section of the Library website.

The reading list service is available via My Manchester by selecting the Teaching and Learning tab. Add the ‘My Courses’ portlet to view all courses and available reading lists in My Manchester. If access to My Manchester is not available the reading list service can be accessed directly at the reading lists website:

Note that lecturers may also posted links to their course reading in Blackboard.

Teaching staff will see a list of the courses they teach within My Manchester. Reading lists for these courses can also be accessed by lecturers here.

For further information please contact the Library’s Teaching and Learning Team: