Podcasting and lecture capture

IT Services offers an automated service for recording lectures known as the Podcasting Service. A recording will normally consist of the output of the data projector (e.g., the content of a Powerpoint presentation) and an accompanying audio track from microphones in the lecture theatre. Teaching staff may opt-out of the recording process if they believe recordings are not suitable for their course unit, however approximately 80% of lectures are recorded across the University.

The recordings are for personal use, to assist with revision and must not be distributed to other individuals.

For more information see the 'My Podcasts' website:

Recordings may take up to 24-hours to appear in the video portal and not all lectures are automatically recorded.

More information about the opt-out process can be found in the Lecture Recording policy:

Lectures in enabled rooms will automatically be recorded unless they are opted-out. Additional non-lecture events can be booked by staff using our scheduling tool. All recorded lectures can be viewed on the video portal: