
In addition to the University’s Library catalogue of eResources, a range of external databases of e-journals and eBooks are subscribed to by the University Library and are available to search.

Access to these databases varies but is granted by either accessing from a University PC (or via an external PC when using the VPN), a University username or password or a special username and password specific to the database.

Further information on these accessing these resources is available from the Library website.

The Library also offers the Business Data Service to facilitate and simplify access to information stored in most business and financial market databases.

Mimas, a Centre of Excellence based at the University of Manchester, provide a number of additional eResources, nationally:

  • JISC Historic Books helps academic users dig deeper into early english, 18th and 19th century content to find undiscovered historical or thematic relationships across tests.
  • JISC Journal Archives empowers users to cross-search some 4 million articles with one simple tool.
  • Europe PubMed Central connects researchers to a permanent online archive of peer-reviewed research biomedical, life and health science journals.
  • The Journal Usage Statistics Portal (JUSP) provides libraries - and librarians - with a simpler way of analysing the usage and impact of their electronic journal subscriptions.

Specialist support for accessing external databases or other eResources related queries is available from the Electronic Resources Team:

Email for more information on the Business Data Service.

For more information on eResources provided by Mimas, please see the Mimas website.