Student record management

Campus Solutions is the University’s student administration system. It provides the facility for faculty and school administration staff to manage and store details of the individual student records. IT Services provide and maintain the system. Campus Solutions' support for staff is provided by the Student Systems Office.

The system is also used by academics and students via self-service through MyManchester. Within self-service students are able to submit new applications, make payments, complete registration, undertake course unit selection, view their programme information and view/update their personal details. Academic staff have access to view student lists, record attendance and view their personal tutees.

While the student record is used in the administration during a student’s study years, there are legal requirements which the University must abide by in the storage of student records. Details on students are archived in a manner which allows them to be accessible on request for many years after graduation. This allows proof of qualifications and grades to be confirmed beyond the completion of a course.

Access to student record information is confidential and staff access is restricted. Where access is approved student records can be reported on using Discoverer, the University’s primary business reporting tool.

Contact the Student Systems Office for support or for more information:

To report on information in stored in Campus Solutions request access to Discoverer via the User Access Request System:

Students can access the Student System directly via My Manchester by selecting ‘My Services’ and clicking ‘Student System’.