Large scale purchasing / commissioning of procurement
Whether as part of a project or renewal programme, a requirement often arises to make large IT-related purchases. This may be a new University IT application, a large number of PCs, servers or IT infrastructure.
IT manages the commissioning procurement process to allow the purchase of IT related products, which may require a formal, structured invitation to suppliers to bid for the products or services we require. Our processes are governed by law and IT has a team to ensure the bid process takes place under competitive, open and fair procedure, which is free from favouritism, bribery and nepotism.
If large IT-related purchases are needed, the IT Support Centre should be contacted to advise. In addition to ensuring any tender and purchasing model remains in accordance with the law we are also keen to prevent duplication of software where possible. Similar software may already exist within the University which can be utilised to save costs, implementation and support requirements.
Commissioning and purchase restrictions are handled as part of the process. IT Services or the Central Procurement Office should contacted whenever an IT purchase of over £40,000 per year is required.
Contact the IT Support Centre for more information and advice.