Induction, mover and leaver services

All staff and students must sign up using the IT Account Manager to receive their central username and password:

In addition to the wide range of information accessed via the IT Services website, IT offer additional support to help new staff become familiar with the IT services available to them. Where PCs are required or have been purchased, IT will deliver (if ordered through IT) and set up at the required location.

Induction services differ slightly between faculties:

  • FLS - offer an online induction course which contains an IT component.
  • PSS - supply PCs for all staff. During the setup they offer a short, informal one-to-one training with new starters following the setup of their PC. Most departments provide new starters with their own induction packs, informing staff of basic information such as shared area locations.
  • EPS - induction material for new staff varies between schools. Please contact the IT Support Centre for more information.
  • Humanities - new staff receive an IT Handbook giving an overview of the available services. Note that schools should request PC setup for new starters in advance so an appointment can be booked on first work day
  • MHS - offer no formal induction material specific to IT services but welcome any questions.


When staff move offices the IT Support Centre need to be informed with a minimum of one week's notice to ensure the preparation required can be carried out. Transportation of IT equipment should be arranged by Estates department.

Our network registration database will need to be updated in order to maintain network access at the new location.


When a staff member leaves, IT accounts are automatically disabled based on changes made in the HR system. Their P:Drive, internet and email access will be revoked so it is important that leavers transfer files and emails which they wish to keep to personal storage devices.

Extensions for staff must be granted by HR and given adequate time to be processed and fed through to our IT systems. It is important therefore that contract extensions are arranged prior to their expiry in order to maintain IT access.