Spend cap
All University managed Vodafone mobile contracts have an overspend limit of £100 per month above the normal monthly contract cost applied. This spending cap operates by preventing all calls and data usage outside of a contracted tariff if the £100 monthly overspend limit is reached. Normal inclusive (free) calls and any unused data within the current plan will still be available for use.
The monthly contract and the £100 overspend limit will reset on the 1st day of each month.
What to do if your overspend limit is reached
If you reach the £100 overspend limit, all usage outside of your monthly contract terms will be ceased. If you urgently require usage outside of what your monthly contract plan permits, then we are able to increase your spend cap limit by either £25 or £50.
If you require a spend cap increase, you must obtain approval from the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) for the additional expense.
Once you have this approval, please submit a 'Mobile Request Form' ticket via the Support Portal, selecting 'General Mobile Advice' from the drop-down box. You will then be able to attach the SLT approval email to this ticket, as well as provide the user's name, mobile number, and the amont of overspend (£25 or £50) the limit should be increased by.